mardi, mars 17, 2009

Les aventures du jeune Sherlock Holmes...

Il y a déjà eu la même chose avec les aventures d'un Bond ado, des préquelles ou des suites à Peter Pan...
Il faut croire que rien ne peut échapper à l'appât du gain, y compris les héritiers légaux de tel ou tel auteur.
Sherlock à 14 ans... et, bien entendu, c'est une trilogie !

Macmillan is hoping to emulate the success of Puffin's Young Bond series with three books about a Young Sherlock Holmes. Rebecca McNally, fiction publishing director has acquired world rights for the titles from Robert Kirby of United Agents, who was representing both the author by Andrew Lanea and the Estate of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
The authorised adventures of Young Sherlock Holmes will launch with The Colossal Schemes of Baron Maupertuis due to be published in Spring 2010. The books will begin in the 1860s and will detail the life of a 14-year-old Sherlock Holmes.
McNally described the first book as "a completely gripping thriller," and labeled the young Holmes, "an utterly convincing, psychologically complex, flawed, clever fourteen-year-old boy".
Lane is a lifelong Holmes fan and said it was "a great privilege to be authorised by the Estate to re-imagine Sherlock Holmes". Lane has previously written many tie-ins for series including Dr Who and Torchwood and has ghostwritten under other names.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

N'ayant jamais particulièrement accroché aux versions ados de héros célèbres, j'avoue que ce projet me laisse dubitative.
J'attends avec bien plus d'intérêt la prestation de Robert Downey Jr dans la peau de Holmes ;-)